If you’re a model, your job is to model clothes made by fashion designers and brands. If someone asks you what you’re doing, you say that you’re modelling—or modeling. If you like to create something but used another piece of work as inspiration, you can say you modeled your work after something. Or you can say you modelled it.


av B Elfving · 2020 — VERTICAL ELLIPTICAL ACCESS-SHAFTS Geometrical optimisation through FE-modelling. Elfving, Björn LU and Sandström, Aron (2020) In 

Svenska; utforma · modellera · mannekänga. plan or create according to a model or models  The provision is modelled upon Article 2 of Council decision 88/591 establishing the CFI. Artikeln följer mönstret i artikel 2 i rådets beslut 88/591 om upprättandet  This thesis studies mechanical modelling of powder compaction in general and compaction of cemented tungsten carbide powders in particular  av M Reggente · 2014 · Citerat av 5 — Keywords: statistical modelling; gas distribution mapping; mobile robots; gas sensors; kernel density estimation; Gaussian kernel. Matteo Reggente, School of  Consequently, it would be useful to launch or support a research programme on modelling concentrations after multiple cycles, in order to derive stabilisation  MTF270 - Turbulence modeling This type of models is often a good compromise between modelling accuracy and numerical stability. https://inhabitat.com/building-modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in-zimbabwe/ BIOMIMETIC ARCHITECTURE: Green Building in Zimbabwe Modeled After  adjektiv. (resembling sculpture) sculptural; sculptured; sculpturesque; modeled. verb. (plan or create according to a model or models) model; pattern; modeled  Using the modelling clay in the press to make tasty lunches or dinners.

Modelled or modeled

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Then the graphical notation in Arena will be shown and tables with the settings for each building block will make this document reliable in a sense that it is repeatable. After the translation of the individual patterns, a real life case study will be modelled in Arena. The case 2014-10-29 · Planning: Modeled Reading Balanced Literacy Module 2 ­ Activity 2 Modeled Reading is an essential component of Balanced Literacy instruction. Modeled Reading is when a teacher selects and reads aloud a book or other text to students. There are a variety of instructional uses for reading aloud. Modeled is an alternative form of modelled.

Disclaimer. This paper is presented  20 Jun 2016 A hierarchical model structure. The SDM framework accounting for imperfect detection belongs to a class of modelling methods with separate  25 Mar 2020 Chief among them is the value of modelling, and the fact that an uncritical reliance on their findings can lead you badly astray.

In Railway Empire, you will create an elaborate and wide-ranging rail network, purchase over 40 different trains modelled in extraordinary 

We literally have thousands of great products in all product categories. Find 3 ways to say MODELED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Läs mer om engelska ordet: modelled, inklusive definition, synonymer, antonym, uttal. model [mod´'l] 1.

Modelled or modeled

av A Carlsson · 1998 · Citerat av 33 — Modelling. A central subject for this thesis is the dc-link in back-to-back voltage- source converters. A back-to-back converter consists of a line 

Modelled or modeled

model [mod´'l] 1. something that represents or simulates something else; a replica.

The imputations are produced through a series of econometric models maintained by the ILO. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'modelled' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Identifying portions of traffic with known observed conversions. Applying statistical techniques to portions of traffic where data is missing or partial. Modeled conversions use current observable signals such as device type, date and time, and conversion type to create an accurate, and aggregate view of user behavior.
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Complementary use of other modeling tool to cover all the  Aircraft routing with minimal climate impact: The REACT4C climate cost function modelling approach (V1.0). Geoscientific Model Development. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Thesis No. 1306 Ontology as Conceptual Schema when Modelling Historical Maps for Database Storage by  av G Provan · 2015 — Ingår i: Proceedings of the 56th Conference on Simulation and Modelling We assume that in these component libraries a component may be modeled at  Abstract : This report describes a study aimed at verifying a cyber security modeling language named the Predictive, Probabilistic Cyber Security Modelling  Ordformer: modellera, modellerar, modellerande, modellerade, modellerat (eng: model, models, modelling, modelled, USA: modeling, modeled). A new Vintage Modelled Delay unit designed and produced in 23 unique authentically modeled delay units ranging from classic oil cans and  lovely concept by Yana Blyzniuk (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gReg8).

Arkitektur. In reality, though, there is a strong need for modelling different parts of the system, at different levels of abstraction and in parallel.
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The ILO modelled estimates series provides a complete set of internationally comparable labour statistics, including both nationally-reported observations and imputed data for countries with missing data. The imputations are produced through a series of econometric models maintained by the ILO.
