The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, / ˈ oʊ p ɛ k / OH-pek) is an intergovernmental organization of 13 countries. Founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), it has since 1965 been headquartered in Vienna, Austria, although Austria is not an OPEC member state.


The OPEC Fund for International Development Parkring 8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Mailing Address: P.O. Box 995, A-1011 Austria Telephone: +43-1-515 64-0

Lesen Sie hier aktuelle News und neueste Nachrichten zur OPEC. "Einige Opec-Mitgliedsstaaten forcieren diese Wechsel-Variante massiv", hieß es damals in diplomatischen Kreisen in Wien. Dass es dazu nicht gekommen ist,  The OPEC Fund for International Development Parkring 8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Mailing Address: P.O. Box 995, A-1011 Austria Telephone: +43-1-515 64- 0 22. Dez. 2020 Die spektakuläre Geiselnahme mitten in Wien hielt die Welt zwei Tage lang in Atem. Am Ende entkam der Top-Terrorist "Carlos" mitsamt den  5. Jan. 2021 Nach sechsstündigen Beratungen des Ölkartells OPEC mit seinen der OPEC am Dienstag (15.30 Uhr MEZ) in Wien fortgesetzt werden. Working for OPEC.

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24 Feb 2021 | The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has postponed its 8th International Seminar until next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Seminar, originally scheduled for 16-17 June 2021, will now be held on 29-30 June 2022 at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna, Austria. On December 21, 1975, six militants attacked the semi-annual meeting of OPEC leaders in Vienna, Austria; the attackers took more than 60 hostages after killing an Austrian policeman, an Iraqi OPEC security officer, and a Libyan economist. Several other individuals were wounded. The official online travel guide for the city of Vienna, with information about sights, events and hotel bookings, and the Vienna City Card. 1010 Wien www.opec Vienna has always been home to cultures from all over the world.

OPEC-ländernas råoljereserv beräknades i slutet av 2009 till 897 miljarder fat, vilket motsvarar 78 procent av hela jordens råoljereserv. Oljeproduktionen har alltid varit påverkad av regleringar och kontrollerande karteller. Före OPEC bildades var USA den största oljeproducenten.

The official online travel guide for the city of Vienna, with information about sights, events and hotel bookings, and the Vienna City Card. 1010 Wien www.opec

The OPEC Secretariat is the executive organ of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Located OPEC The OPEC Secretariat is the executive organ of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Located in Vienna, it also functions as the Headquarters of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of the OPEC statute. Vienna has always been home to cultures from all over the world.

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"Einige Opec-Mitgliedsstaaten forcieren diese Wechsel-Variante massiv", hieß es damals in diplomatischen Kreisen in Wien. Dass es dazu nicht gekommen ist, 

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1010 Wien +43 1 211 12 3302 ; Map; Points of interest in the area; Search Search.

Opec logo as an app icon. Clipping path included. A logo sign outside of the headquarters of The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna, Austria, on September 6, 2018. Oil pumps silhouette at sunset.
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OPEC Members' crude oil production. The University of Vienna School of Law organized a Study Trip to the Headquarters of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna for  16.
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On December 21, 1975, six militants attacked the semi-annual meeting of OPEC leaders in Vienna, Austria; the attackers took more than 60 hostages after killing an Austrian policeman, an Iraqi OPEC security officer, and a Libyan economist. Several other individuals were wounded.

Opec bekräftar: Då stryps oljekranarna Näringsliv 2020-04-09 23.17. Opecländerna med Saudiarabien i spetsen har kommit överens med andra oljenationer om att minska produktionen med tio miljoner fat per dag under maj och juni, bekräftade oljekartellen sent på skärtorsdagskvällen. 2020-06-05 2020-11-29 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, created at the Baghdad Conference on September 10–14, 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Founding Members were later joined by ten other Members: Qatar (1961); Indonesia (1962) – suspended its membership in January 2009, reactivated it in January 2016, but OPEC Fund, Vienna, Austria. 1,017,653 likes · 127 talking about this · 572 were here.